Come with me.


I can hardly believe I’m sitting here and typing up my first blog post. This whole experience feels surreal and seeing this dream come to life has taken lots of work and lots of digging in my heart. HELLLLOOOO invasion. How do you handle moments like that? Do you curl up in a ball and refuse for the sake of fragility and fear or do you open up and accept it?

But we’re here. Welcome to a space that I hope brings life and hope and joy and challenge. I hope that you come to this space and see Jesus- and that I cannot operate or supply these things (words, inspirations, pattern creating) without His strength and power and overall GOODNESS.

I wouldn't be here without you all and your continuous love and support of my heart and desires. Finding community on here has been a treasure that I never thought existed. I never had the intentions of finding connection on social media-it just kinda happened, organically. Truth be told, I was one of those people who thought social media was shallower than a kiddy pool. Yep, me. And guess what? I was so very, very wrong. There is treasure here-hope, love, kindness, encouragement, challenge and inspiration. We just need to shift our minds and intentions. We can't buy the followers and we can't buy the acceptance. It won't last. And it won't feel right either. It will be a lonely space with the sense of community feeling like the furthest thing from us. I know I get my fair share of eye rolls when I talk about the opportunity of relationship on social media platforms but my response will always be, "Don't knock it until you try it." Don't say social media is all surface level and fake until you allow yourself to discover the gold that sits here. You just have to find it-it's waiting.

Why am I saying all of this? Because it all requires time and work. It requires soul searching and digging. WHO is your audience? WHAT is your purpose and desire? WHERE do you want this to go? WHEN you run into feeling overwhelmed in this space, what will you do? WHY do you have social media?

Don’t go to a popular Instagram page and do exactly what they’re doing. Who are YOU?? And no, that doesn’t mean you come back and tell me what you DO. I want you to look at your heart. You may have to brush some dust off of it because maybe life has put it in the backseat for awhile. I get it, I’ve done the same thing and still can catch myself doing it. And I also know how uncomfortable its going to feel to get to know you. Maybe you’ll discover you’re the opposite of what you’ve been portraying, maybe you’ll find that your style is completely different than what you’ve been doing, maybe you’ll want to give up because you don’t know the first thing about getting to know who you are. Please don't give up on that. 

I hope you stay here with me and keep discovering who you were made to be. I want to see the layers unfold, while also knowing how much that can hurt in the process. I want to be here to cheer you on when you feel like you’re not gaining ground. I want to give you that push when you feel like you aren’t good enough or don’t know enough or not “ready” enough. Thank you for taking the time to read this and come with me in this space. My heart is so thankful for you.




  • Aly darlin’,
    your words resonate even to this oldster ! You challenge us all to allow the beautiful warm, healing light of Jesus to invade even the deep recesses of our hidden chambers and find Him there, waiting to embrace us.
    Thank you for being His shining one🕯

    Cindy johnson
  • Best read with my morning coffee. Your heart right here in writing and weaved into every single thing you put your hands to. Cheers to this little space where many will be filled to the brim and fueled for their own journey that lies ahead. Love you dear friend 🌿🌿 Thank you for loving us all so well.


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